Missing variations / attributes; not all variations are imported; products are imported as singular products

First, please make sure that you have set the plugin to import all of the variations (or some variations, at least).

Then, you have to make sure that you are importing the right product, that has all the variations.

So, when using Advanced Search: you will have to make sure that the product title does not contain any sizes or colours.

When using CSV Bulk Import: you will have to make sure that you are selecting the right ASIN code, which can be found in the product description.


There are some products which are not treated like variations by Amazon and will be imported as simple ones.



If you use the Advanced Search module to import products, even if it's a variation you can choose the option "Force import parent if it variation" - choose Yes of the "Configuration / Amazon config module / Import setup tab - last option on bottom" and it will import the parent product of the variation with the number of the variations you've choosen.





SOMETIMES, for some products, not all of the product information from the Amazon's website is provided through the Amazon's API (which our plugin is using). This is why some products won't have all of the variations / attributes that you see on the website.





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